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Thursday, April 12, 2007

Inspiration through preparation - know your Bible!

After the resurrection, Jesus' followers met together. It is interesting to note that He chided them for their lack of faith. Did they not know the scriptures well enough? These same scriptures also revealed the next phase they would enter in.

This is the key to sucessful Christian living. Know your Bible. It will lift your faith - revealing both the ultimate destiny for the human race as well as individual guidance for the future for yourself.

The Bible catalogues the full spectrum of human experience of the divine. There is no experience outside of these bounds. Therefore to be prepared for the next phase of our own spiritual journey, we need look no further than its pages to inform ourselves of the nature of what to expect.

Our faith is shaped by our experience, which matches the revelation we have received in the page of the Bible.

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Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Easter Greetings!

Now that Easter is past, the chocolate eggs and bunnies consumed. It is time to reflect on what it all means.

Good Friday is not a pleasant occasion for many. The reality of blood, nails, thorns and suffering is too much to bear. However, the stark reality of sin is far worse. A deadly sickness of the soul requires a radical solution. This is what crucifixion is about.

To me though - there is more to Good Friday than sacrifice. It speaks of victory - at the darkest point when all seems to be lost, this is in fact the finest hour.

The curtain rips, God's home is now with men - there is no barrier to impede communication through the work of Jesus in reconciling the two.

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