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Sunday, October 15, 2006

Inspirational verses about Inspiration

2 Peter ch.1 v.20-21 puts it extremely well. "no prophecy of Scripture is of private interpretation. For no prophecy ever came by the will of man: but holy men of God spoke, being moved by the Holy Spirit."

The writers of the books of the Bible didn't go into a trance or receive a pre-written missive from on hih that they had to recite. The God we have come to know and worship does not work in such a way. No all-powerful deity would ever need to resort to conjuring tricks or phony seances to get His message across to humanity.

Instead, the same means that He uses to speak through people today was at the heart what Peter explains to us. The Holy Spirit motivated, moved and inspired these people. It is as if we clothe our personalities with His Spirit, that His attitudes and desires communicate themselves through our own thoughts and expressions.

When He speaks, we can test our revelation against the Gold Standard of his revealed Word. We don't need to perform exegetical gymnastics. We can test and approve whatever conforms to God's will and highlights His present concerns for us in growing the Kingdom.

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