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Teleos: Discover Your Destiny
Prayer and guidance for seeking God's will.

Friday, August 25, 2006

In 2 Timothy ch.1 v.9 we learn a startling truth that sets conventional wisdom on its head. It is the scandal of an overpwering grace that cannot be evaded. The theme runs through the entire scriptures, from Adam and Eve, who deserved death, but were clothed to hide their shame, by a God who shed an animal's blood on their behalf.

Through a people who were not chosen because of any greatness that made them outstanding amongst their contemporaries - apart from a promise made to their forefathers - see Deuteronomy ch.7 v.7.

And then into a New Covenant - a solemn binding promise between an all-powerful God and a people, not limited by race, gender, education or social standing. We cn be confident that He has called each one of us individually and set each one of us apart for His purpose.

But this is the scandalous part. We have not pre-qualified ourselves for a specific role or function through our own efforts. We have not earned the right to a holy calling. Rather, the purpose that the Good Lord has in mind for each of us qualifies us for the task ahead, and by His grace He prepares us for it - leading us with confidence that He will never put in front of us an obstacle that we cannot overcome through faith in Him.

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