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Friday, December 01, 2006

Inspirational verses about Advent: 1

Advent is a time for reflection, a time to prepare and remind yourself of why Jesus came. There are plenty of passages we could pick to start with - but I'll start with one that is often overlooked.

Genesis ch.3 v.15

The first promise of a coming Messiah who would be born of woman; who would destroy the powerful hold of our spiritual oppressor, but, in doing so would be wounded himself. Bruising the serpent's head would not be an innefectual symbolic gesture. Rather it would destroy any authority he had over us and render him impotent - that is why in Hebrews ch.2 v.15 talks about people who were kept in bondage to the fear of death; but now set free.

Even more revealin though, is to examine the context of this promise. It is given right in the middle of a curse. Even as we are in the midst of being punished for outright rebellion, the Good Lord, out of grace, reaches out in reconciliation. That those who were in emnity with Him can be agents of redemption.

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