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Friday, September 08, 2006

The Author and Perfecter of our Faith

Perspective is important. We're all too familiar with the story of the spies in Numbers ch.13 v.33 - who saw themselves as grasshoppers when comparing themselves to the opposition - and so, that's what they became. There's a flipside to this, a positive way of looking at the same principle. In Judges ch.6 v.12, Gideon is called a mighty man of God - after all, we're told in Romans ch.4 v.17 that the Good Lord calls things that are not as if they were - His word brings about a change in our universe to reflect His will.

So, what can you see? What has God's word revealed to you that should transform your perspective? What goal should be your central focus?

We have a pattern set before us through the example of Jesus. He could see a goal set before him. It called for action, perseverence, sacrifice. He knew the cost of his actions, he could see the reality of the situation he was in, but most importantly, he could see the end result. It kept him going, sustained him during the most painful of his ordeals. It makes our experience seem trivial, but it's none the less real - and we can guarantee his presence beside us, within our very being as we experience exactly the same dilemmas.

Did we hear correctly - is this truly the Father's will? Why is there a problem? Is there a different, easier way that we could go to see God's plan fulfilled without any opposition?

We are in very good company...

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